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Oct 29, 2020

As the New Republic faces its first major conflict against the combined forces of the Nagai and the Empire, the Marvel Star Wars Explorers celebrate the big 100th issue milestone by welcoming back two of our favorite Star Friends, Eric Ambler and Sean Davis! It's a double-sized issue and it warrants a double-sized...

Oct 16, 2020

As the Star Warriors race across the galaxy to save a planet on the verge of death, Gensho Tasaka races back to our podcast studio to weigh in on whether or not J.J. Abrams successfully landed the plane, to ponder the absence of Asian actors in American cinema of the 80s, and to react to the ICONIC debut of the latest...

Oct 1, 2020

As Han Solo finds himself in the unexpected position of babysitting two children and escorting them on behalf of a mining guild, we find ourselves in the unexpected position of having Eric Wheeler take over the podcast for an episode to unleash his thoughts on The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian, to school us on...