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Jul 18, 2019

As Luke and Leia struggle to survive the devastation of The Iskalon Effect, we welcome Melissa Thiede back from Black Spire Outpost to finally give us an insider's peek into Galaxy's Edge! We're also recalling memories of Levar Burton and Reading Rainbow, enjoying the antics of the Star Warriors on Gamandar and...

Jul 15, 2019

As the Star Warriors follow the trail of downed Rebel pilot Tay Vanis to the ocean planet of Iskalon, Sam and Brian welcome Nate Tapp to the podcast to discuss some of their warm feelings of Return of the Jedi, to investigate the emotional and financial value of Porg glassware, and to guess as to what exactly...

Jul 6, 2019

As Leia and Dani infiltrate a city on the planet Lahsbee in search of lost rebel data tapes, longtime Star Friend Chris Lantz makes his debut on the podcast proper to weigh in on the exciting world of upcoming Star Wars video games, to delve into his lifelong passion for comic books and to elaborate on why this issue...