Feb 23, 2019
As Lando and Luke duel a giant Watchbeast on the trash-filled world of Patch-4, Sam and Brian invite Kevin Young back to the podcast for an Oscars-inspired look back at the films of 2018, to discuss the exciting announcement of a new issue of this very comic coming out later this year, and to delight in the zany antics...
Feb 16, 2019
As Leia puts into action a risky plan to hide the entire Rebel fleet inside Arbra's sun, Instagram superstar and Star Wars lover Melissa Thiede (@tk421andme) returns to the cast to drop some solar knowledge and science facts, offer up reactions to the newly revealed Will Smith genie and to give Sam and Brian her...
Feb 7, 2019
As Lando and the Lobot encounter a team of Ugnaught journalists on the surface of the gas planet Bespin, Brian and Sam welcome Sean Davis back to the podcast to out themselves as Adult Fans of Legos, to question and delight in the many strange creative choices in this issue and to revisit controversial statements made...
Feb 4, 2019
As Lando flees an insane and malfunctioning Lobot, Sam and Brian welcome first-timer Jonathan Ferguson onto the 'cast for a discussion about talking explosives, slimy Imperials, Canadarms and just about the greatest cover we ever did cover.